Tip To Train Your Pup At Home

Published on 11/04/2021

As you get a new pet, there are high chances that you are trying to find the perfect ways to train it the best. Among other things that you need to keep in mind, there is one thing that is a must. You must start the training sessions as soon as you get them home. There are also multiple cases where it’s seen that people have adopted adult dogs, and they start wondering whether it’s possible to train them or not. Though it’s a topic with a broad scope, we would try to cover the critical points in this blog. You might counter it with the argument that hiring a tutor or enrolling your pup in a training center. These things can only teach your dog, but you will help the pet in mastering these skills. There are a few pretty basic commands, and you can start with them right away as soon as possible. We are jotting down a few tips and tricks that are pretty simple.

Tip To Train Your Pup At Home

Tip To Train Your Pup At Home


Make Rules

There will be a few rules that you must set up and follow strictly. If you are going to restrict your pet to not going to a specific spot, it might be a bed or sofa. You must not break the rule. It will confuse the pup, and they will struggle in learning. Also, these rules should be implied as soon as possible along with the training.

A Wise Name

Who doesn’t get excited when it comes to choosing a name? Everyone, right? Multiple studies have shown that a few characters are better when it comes to training. If you want your pet to listen quickly, find the words that come with a strong ending. For the adult dog, they might already be familiar with the existing name, but with some effort and practice, you can change the name.

A Relaxing Session

After going out or any activity, you must offer a relaxing time. You can provide a hot bottle with a ticking clock that will help them relax. This becomes essential if the previous environment where the pet was staying was louder and full of chaos.

Reward With treats

While training the dog, it’s essential to appreciate their good behavior as much as possible. No matter what the progress is, if you are trying to teach them any command, for example, say Sit, and if the dog stays put for even seconds, you should reward them for it.

Say ‘No’ To Jumping

Jumping is considered a terrible habit for these furry fellows. If your pet is jumping on someone, you must not take the reprimanding approach. You must ignore this behavior and turn your back towards them. Once they settle, you should reward them with some positive action.

Say No To Jumping

Say No To Jumping

No Biting

We have seen several pets who jump to bite or will start chewing your hand. This behavior must not be appreciated, and in case they are trying to chew, you must act like you are in a lot of pain. It will shock them, and they will immediately stop. To show the pain, you should yell in a sharp tone. Apart from these tips, there is one thing that you should keep in mind. While you are training your pet, you must end it with vast amounts of praise and appreciation. It would help if you also got your pet neutered as soon as they are old enough. It will allow them to perform better in training and will also be way less aggressive.